Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Worst. Day. EVER.

So yesterday was the absolute worst day. I can honestly say it was also the hardest day of my life. I have never been as sick as I was yesterday. Not even with my last pregnancy. I woke up, and spent the remainder of my day in the bathroom, lying in the hall/couch/bed, and trying to keep food and water down. No luck. Every single thing that went in my mouth came back up. I couldn't even keep small sips of water or ice chips down. It was miserable. I felt so helpless. The hardest part by far was having to keep Charlotte entertained and fed and changed. She was such a good girl for me though. She basically watched Blue's Clue's all day long. There was one point when I was lying down in the hall and she dragged over my big quilt for me. It made me bawl my eyes out. I have such a sweet little girl. I love her so much. George of course worked all day long. My DR was able to get me a new prescription that is only $5 so I was waiting for him to come home and get our money so he could get that medicine for me. Unfortunately he didn't get home until 9 and they close at 9. Again, I bawled my eyes out. Luckily, I remembered that I had some Dramamine in the car for car trips and it's safe to take that when you're pregnant. So, I took some, threw up again, then basically passed out. I was so exhausted. I kept waking up last night with stomach pains. I know it was just because they were so sore from heaving so much. So far this morning, I feel really OK. I've been able to keep down half a glass of watered down ginger ale, so hopefully after I get my meds today, it will be a much better day. Crossing my fingers. In the end, I am so glad it is today and that yesterday is over. I am grateful for a flexible baby girl that goes with the flow when mommy isn't well. I am grateful for a sweet husband that went to multiple stores last night to find ginger ale with actual ginger in it. I am so grateful that despite our financial tightness right now, we have exactly enough change for my medicine, milk and my ginger ale. We are truly blessed :)